
Salt Substitutes Beneficial and Generalizable

A meta-analyses and metaregressions concluded that the beneficial effects of salt substitutes on blood pressure and clinical outcomes were consistent and might be generalizable across diverse population subgroups worldwide. The study included 21 trials and 31 949 participants, with 19 reporting effects on blood pressure and 5 reporting effects on […]

Early Time-Restricted Eating Effective for Weight Loss

A US randomized clinical trial suggested that early time-restricted eating (eTRE) was more effective for weight loss than eating over a window of 12 or more hours. A total of 90 obese participants (mean body mass index, 39.6; age, 43 years; 80% female) received weight-loss treatment (energy restriction [ER] of […]

Comparative Effects of Sleeping Pills

A systematic review and network meta-analysis provided the most comprehensive data synthesis on pharmacological treatments for adults with insomnia. The study included 170 trials (36 interventions and 47 950 participants) in the systematic review and 154 double-blind, randomized controlled trials (30 interventions and 44 089 participants) for the network meta-analysis. Benzodiazepines, doxylamine, […]

Moderate Alcohol Intake Linked to Higher Brain Iron and Malfunction

A UK cohort study and Mendelian randomization (MR) suggested that moderate alcohol consumption [>7 units (56 g) alcohol weekly] was associated with markers of higher brain iron and worse cognitive function. The study included 20,729 UK Biobank participants (mean age 54.8 years, 48.6% female). Multiorgan susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (~9.60 […]

Adding Salt to Foods Linked to Mortality and Life Expectancy

A prospective study indicates that the higher frequency of adding salt to foods is associated with a higher risk of all-cause premature mortality and lower life expectancy. The study included 501 379 participants from UK biobank. There were graded relationships between higher frequency of adding salt to foods and higher concentrations […]

Moving More and Sitting Less Linked to Lower Stroke Risk

A US cohort study suggested that more active time, especially at moderate intensities, and less sedentary time, particularly in longer bouts, may reduce the risk of stroke. The study included 7607 participants (mean age 63.4 years; 54.5% female, 31.6% Black, and 68.4% White), including 54.7% of them resided in the […]

Healthy Lifestyle Linked to Longer Life without Dementia

A US prospective cohort study showed that a healthy lifestyle was associated with a longer life expectancy, and a larger proportion of their remaining years without Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). The study included 2449 participants aged 65 years and older (mean 76 years, 63% women, African American>50%) from 1993 to 2009, […]

Sleep Loss Predisposes to Abdominal Visceral Obesity

A US randomized, controlled, crossover study in healthy, nonobese individuals revealed that sleep restriction combined with ad libitum food promotes excess energy intake, weight gain and particularly central accumulation of fat without changing energy expenditure. The study included 12 healthy, nonobese individuals (9 males, age range 19 to 39 years), […]

Light Exposure Timing Influences Metabolism

A randomized, controlled, crossover trial in overweight insulin-resistant volunteers in the Netherlands suggested that in contrast to Dim day–Bright evening condition, Bright day–Dim evening condition mostly elicited favorable metabolic outcomes. The trial included 14 overweight 40–75 years male and female, insulin-resistant volunteers between July 2018 and November 2019. Participants were randomly […]

Causal Alcohol-Cancer Link Modified by Genotype

A prospective study in China revealed that certain genotypes of alcohol metabolism might reduce or exacerbate the effects of alcohol on several cancers. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2)-rs671 G>A and alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B)-rs1229984 G>A were genotyped in 150 722 adults, enrolled from 10 areas in China from 2004 to 2008. […]