More Warnings with Fluoroquinolones

6 years ago

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review found that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can increase the occurrence of rare but serious…

Exercise Lowered High Blood Pressure

6 years ago

A network meta-analysis of 391 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) confirmed modest but consistent reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP) in…

Red Meat Increases Trimethylamine N-oxide

6 years ago

An US randomized crossover study showed that chronic dietary red meat increases systemic trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels through enhanced dietary…

Sleep Pattern Matters

6 years ago

A prospective global cohort study suggested that total sleep duration of 6–8 h per day is associated with the lowest risk…

Colorectal Adenomas Prevention with Aspirin and EPA?

6 years ago

An UK multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial suggests that aspirin and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) might have…

Hypnotherapy Relieved IBS

6 years ago

A multicenter randomized controlled trial in the Netherlands showed that both individual and group hypnotherapy were effective in irritable bowel…

Prolonged Functional Connections in Autism

6 years ago

An US cohort study showed that prolonged temporal synchrony of functional brain connections is reproducibly observed in autism. The study…

Qualified Health Claim for High Oleic Acid Oils

6 years ago

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to a petition for a new qualified health claim for edible oils…

Lower Dietary Carbohydrate Increased Energy Expenditure

6 years ago

An US randomized feeding trial concluded that lowering dietary carbohydrate increased energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance. The study included…

Fish Oil and Vitamin D Supplementation Not Beneficial

6 years ago

A nationwide, randomized, placebo-controlled trial revealed that daily supplementation with high-dose vitamin D or n-3 fatty acids for 5 years…

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