Exercise Reduced Sitting Linked Mortality

A longitudinal analysis in Australia revealed that sitting is associated with all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality risk among sedentary adults; moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) doses equivalent to meeting the current recommendations attenuate or effectively eliminate such associations. During an 8.9-year (median) follow-up, a total of 8,689 deaths (1,644 due to CVD) occurred among 149,077 participants from January 2006 through December 2009. There was a statistically significant interaction between sitting and MVPA for all-cause mortality. Sitting time was associated with mortality outcomes in a nearly dose-response manner in the least active groups reporting <150 MVPA min/week. However, there was inconsistent and weak evidence for elevated mortality risks with more sitting among those meeting the lower (150 to 299 MVPA min/week) or upper (≥300 MVPA min/week) limits of the MVPA recommendation. Replacing sitting with walking and MVPA showed stronger associations with risk reduction among high sitters (>6 sitting h/day). The findings are consistent with other recent studies and support continued efforts to promote physical activity in sedentary adults. Source: http://www.onlinejacc.org/

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