Two studies showed that there is no benefit of supplemental oxygen in nonhypoxic patients with suspected myocardial infarction (MI) or acute stroke. A total of 6629 patients with suspected MI and an oxygen saturation of 90% or higher were randomly assigned to receive either supplemental oxygen (6 liters per minute for 6 to 12 hours, delivered through an open face mask) or ambient air in Sweden. The primary end point of death from any cause within 1 year after randomization occurred in 5.0% of patients (166 of 3311) assigned to oxygen and in 5.1% of patients (168 of 3318) assigned to ambient air. A total of 8003 patients with acute stroke were randomized to continuous oxygen for 72 hours, nocturnal oxygen (21:00 to 07:00 hours) for 3 nights, or control (oxygen only if clinically indicated) in the UK. Oxygen was given via nasal tubes at 3 L/min if baseline oxygen saturation was 93% or less and at 2 L/min if oxygen saturation was greater than 93%. Oxygen supplementation did not reduce death or disability at 3 months. The findings do not support routine use of oxygen in nonhypoxic patients for MI or acute stroke. Source:;
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