Categories: 健康心血管病

Fitness and Body Weight in Teens Linked to Hypertension Later十几岁时的健身和体重水平与以后的高血压有关

A Swedish national cohort study concluded that high body mass index (BMI) and low aerobic capacity in late adolescence were associated with higher risk of hypertension in adulthood. The study included all 1 547 189 military conscripts in Sweden from January 1, 1969, through December 31, 1997 (97%-98% of all 18-year-old men nationwide each year), who were followed up through December 31, 2012. A total of 93 035 men (6.0%) were diagnosed with hypertension in 39.7 million person-years of follow-up. High BMI and low aerobic capacity (but not muscular strength) were associated with increased risk of hypertension, independent of family history and socioeconomic factors. Aerobic capacity was inversely associated with hypertension across its full distribution. A combination of high BMI and low aerobic capacity was associated with the highest risk of hypertension and had a negative additive and multiplicative interaction. Low aerobic capacity was also a significant risk factor among those with normal BMI. The findings suggest that interventions to prevent hypertension should begin early in life and include not only weight control but aerobic fitness, even among persons with normal BMI. Source:

瑞典一项全国性群组研究的结论是,青春期后期体重指数高和有氧健身能力低与成年期高血压风险较高有关。该研究包括了从1969年1月1日至1997年12月31日瑞典1 547 189名义务兵(全国每年97%-98%的18岁男子),随访至2012年12月31日。39700000人 – 年的随访中共93 035人(6.0%)被诊断为高血压。高体重指数和低有氧健身能力(而非肌肉力量)均与高血压的风险增加有关,独立于家族史和社会经济因素。有氧健身能力的整个分布均与高血压呈负相关。高体重指数和低有氧健身能力的结合与最高的高血压风险相关,且呈负性相加和倍数互动。低有氧健身能力在那些体重指数正常者也是一个显著的危险因素。该研究结果显示,预防高血压的干预措施应始于生命早期,其中不仅包括控制体重,还包括有氧健身,即便是体重正常者。来源:





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