
Children’s T2D Risk Reversible

A Danish study suggests that weight loss from childhood to early adulthood can reduce the increased risks of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among overweight and obese boys. The study included 62,565 Danish men. Overweight was defined as body mass index ≥17.38 at age 7, ≥21.82 at age 13, and ≥25 […]

MRI-Targeted Superior to Standard Biopsy for Prostate-Cancer Diagnosis

An international, multicenter, randomized trial concluded that the use of risk assessment with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MRI-targeted biopsy was superior to standard transrectal ultrasonography–guided biopsy for prostate-cancer detection in men with a raised prostate-specific antigen level who had not undergone biopsy. A total of 500 men underwent […]

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Associated Myocarditis

A multi-center registry in the US revealed that myocarditis associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) may occur early, has a malignant course and may respond to higher doses of steroids. The initial 35 cases were diagnosed between November 2013 and July 2017, with an incidence of 1.9% and median onset […]

Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation Increased Colorectal Cancer Precursors

A randomized chemoprevention study in the US found evidence that calcium and vitamin D supplementation increased the risk of sessile serrated adenomas or polyps (SSA/Ps), precursor lesions for colorectal cancer. A total of 2259 participants with one or more adenoma at baseline were randomized to receive 1200 mg/day of elemental calcium, […]

Vegetarian and Mediterranean Diets Equivalent for Weight Loss

A randomized, open, crossover trial in Italy showed that both low-calorie lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (VD) and Mediterranean diet (MD) were effective in reducing body weight, body mass index (BMI), and fat mass. One hundred eighteen overweight subjects (mean age 51.1 years, females 78%, BMI ≥ 25) with a low-to-moderate cardiovascular […]

Standing Burned More Calories than Sitting

A systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that replacing sitting with standing could be a potential solution for a sedentary lifestyle to prevent weight gain in the long term. The analysis included 46 studies with 1184 participants. The mean difference in energy expenditure (EE) between sitting and standing was 0.15 kcal/min (0.1 and […]

Lactation May Lower Diabetes Risk

A multicenter, community-based 30-year prospective cohort study in the US revealed that lactation duration is independently associated with lower incidence of diabetes. The study included 1238 black and white women ages 18 to 30 years without diabetes at baseline (1985-1986) who had 1 or more live births after baseline, reported […]

Dos and Dons of Petroleum Jelly

Dermatologists recommend using petroleum jelly to: relieve dry skin, including your lips and eyelids. For the best results, always apply petroleum jelly when your skin is damp. Help injured skin heal for minor wounds such as cuts, scrapes and scratches. As long as the wound is cleaned daily, it is […]

Weight Management Attained T2D Remission

An open-label, cluster-randomized trial in the UK showed that intensive weight management achieved remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The trial included 306 patients from 49 general practices between July 25, 2014, and Aug 5, 2017. The patients aged 20–65 years who had been diagnosed with T2D within the past […]

Lifestyle Modification Reduced Diabetes Incidence

A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials concluded that healthy lifestyle modifications (LSM, eating healthier diets and exercising) successfully reduced diabetes incidence and sustained for several years in adults at risk for diabetes. The analysis included 43 studies published between January 1, 1990, and January 1, 2015; 49 029 participants at risk […]