Common Drugs Linked to Reduced Cardiotoxicity

5 years ago

A meta-analysis suggested that use of beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients…

Antidepressant Maintenance Reduced Depressive Recurrence

5 years ago

An US 2nd phase randomized clinical trial revealed that maintenance of antidepressant medication treatment was associated with a reduced risk…

Potential Benefit of Early Lipid-Lowering

5 years ago

A multinational risk-evaluation and risk-modelling study suggests that non-HDL cholesterol concentrations in blood are strongly associated with long-term risk of…

Falls and TBI in the Elderly

5 years ago

Dr. Bermanand Dr. Boguskisummarized the risk factors for falls in the elderly and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Risk factors for…

Medication on Par with Early Invasive Treatment for Stable IHD

5 years ago

An international randomized trial revealed that an initial invasive approach compared to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in stable ischemic heart disease…

Low-Dose Colchicine Effective in CVD

5 years ago

A randomized, double-blind trial in Canada concluded that among patients with a recent myocardial infarction (MI), colchicine at a dose…

Lower Blood Pressure Might Reduce Dementia Risk

5 years ago

A meta-analysis of individual participant data from eligible observational studies suggested that use of any antihypertensive medications (AHM) with efficacy…

Early Life Vascular Risk Linked to Brain Pathology Later

5 years ago

A prospective longitudinal cohort study in Britain revealed that early adulthood vascular risk is strongly associated with smaller whole-brain volume…

Bedtime BP-lowering Medications Work Better

5 years ago

A Spanish multicenter, controlled, prospective endpoint trial suggested that routinely taking blood pressure (BP)-lowering medications at bedtime, as opposed to…

The Younger to Treat Familial Hypercholesterolemia the Better

5 years ago

A 20-year follow-up study in the Netherland concluded that initiation of statin therapy during childhood in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia…

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