Healthy Vegan Bettered Healthy Omnivorous Diet

A US randomized clinical trial of healthy adult identical twin pairs showed that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet. The open-label, parallel, dietary randomized clinical trial enrolled 22 pairs of twins (N = 44, 34 female; mean age, 39.6 years; mean body mass index, 25.9) participants to a vegan or omnivorous diet (1 twin per diet) for 8 weeks between March 28, 2022, and May 5, 2022. After 8 weeks, compared with twins randomized to an omnivorous diet, the twins randomized to the vegan diet experienced significant mean decreases in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration (−13.9 mg/dL), fasting insulin level (−2.9 μIU/mL), and body weight (−1.9 kg). The trial provides novel evidence in beneficial cardiometabolic effects for the healthy moderate vegan vs the healthy omnivorous diet among healthy identical twins without the confounding influences of age, sex, genetic factors, and reducing influences of environmental factors, as Identical twins often share a similar environment and lifestyle. Mounting evidence suggests that cardiovascular benefits can be achieved with modest reductions in animal foods and increases in healthy plant-based foods compared with typical diets. Source:

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