A substudy of the randomized clinical trial compared intensive vs standard systolic blood pressure (SBP) control revealed that the intensive…
An UK randomized trial revealed that traditional dietary advice (TDA), low FODMAP diet (LFD) and gluten-free diet (GFD) are all…
Two UK cohort studies among individuals with and without high blood pressure (HBP) found that the initiation of sodium-containing acetaminophen…
An US cohort study of religious sisters showed that many of them with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) never developed dementia,…
A Canadian study demonstrated that preactivating lower body muscle (PREACT) and leg crossing with muscle tensing (TENSE) after standing attenuates…
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial concluded that regular daily intake of 4 g acetaminophen increases systolic blood pressure (BP) in…
A randomized, controlled, crossover trial in overweight insulin-resistant volunteers in the Netherlands suggested that in contrast to Dim day–Bright evening…
A prospective study in China revealed that certain genotypes of alcohol metabolism might reduce or exacerbate the effects of alcohol…
A secondary analysis of a randomized blood pressure (BP) intervention trial suggested that certain BP medications could be used to…
A multi-domain lifestyle intervention among older Finnish adults was effective in preventing cerebrovascular events and total cardiovascular disease (CVD) events…
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