
Fruit Consumption Linked to Fewer Diabetes and Better Outcomes水果消费与糖尿病较少和预后更好相关

An epidemiological study in Chinese adults revealed that higher fresh fruit consumption was associated with significantly lower risk of diabetes and, among diabetic individuals, lower risks of death and development of major vascular complications. The study included 0.5 million adults aged 30–79 (mean 51) y nationwide between June 2004 and July 2008. Cox regression yielded adjusted hazard ratios (HR) associating each outcome with self-reported fresh fruit consumption, adjusting for potential confounders. During ~7 y of follow-up, 9,504 cases of new diabetes were recorded among 482,591 participants without prevalent (previously diagnosed or screen-detected) diabetes at baseline. Higher fruit consumption was associated with significantly lower risk of developing diabetes (HR = 0.88 for daily versus non-consumers, corresponding to a 0.2% difference in 5-y absolute risk), with a clear dose–response relationship. Among 30,300 participants who had diabetes at baseline, 3,389 deaths occurred, along with 9,746 cases of macrovascular disease and 1,345 cases of microvascular disease. Higher fruit consumption was associated with lower risks of all-cause mortality (HR = 0.83 per 100 g/d) and microvascular (0.72)and macrovascular (0.87) complications, with similar HRs in individuals with previously diagnosed and screen-detected diabetes; estimated differences in 5-y absolute risk between daily and non-consumers were 1.9%, 1.1%, and 5.4%, respectively. Source:

中国成年人的流行病学研究发现,较高的新鲜水果消费与发生糖尿病风险,糖尿病患者的死亡风险和发生主要血管并发症的风险显着降低相关。该研究包括2004年6月至2008年7月间全国30〜79岁(平均51岁)的50万成年人。考克斯回归得出校正风险比,将各个预后与自报新鲜水果消费相关联,并校正潜在的混杂因素。在约7年的随访期间,基线无(曾确诊或筛查到)糖尿病的482,591名参与者中,录得9,504例新糖尿病。较高的水果消费与发生糖尿病风险显着降低相关(每日消费与非消费者相比风险比 = 0.88,相应的5年绝对风险差异为0.2%),且具有明确的量效关系。在基线患有糖尿病的30,300例中,死亡3389例,其中大血管病9466例,微血管病1345例。较高的水果消费与全因死亡率(风险比 = 0.83 / 100 克 / 日)及微血管(0.72)和大血管(0.87)并发症的风险降低相关,曾确诊和筛查到的糖尿病患者的风险比相似;估计每日消费和非消费者5年绝对风险的差异分别为1.9%,1.1%和5.4%。来源:





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