Categories: 健康

Plant Protein Linked to Lower Mortality植物蛋白与低死亡率有关

A prospective cohort study of US health care professionals concluded that high animal protein intake was positively associated with mortality and high plant protein intake was inversely associated with mortality, especially among individuals with at least 1 lifestyle risk factor. Substitution of plant protein for animal protein especially that from processed red meat, was associated with lower mortality. The study included 131 342 participants, 85 013 were women and 46 329 were men (mean age, 49 years, followed for 25-32 years). The median protein intake, as assessed by percentage of energy, was 14% for animal protein and 4% for plant protein. After adjusting for major lifestyle and dietary risk factors, animal protein intake was weakly associated with higher mortality, particularly cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.08 per 10% energy increment), whereas plant protein was associated with lower mortality (HR, 0.90 per 3% energy increment). These associations were confined to participants with at least 1 unhealthy lifestyle factor based on smoking, heavy alcohol intake, overweight or obesity, and physical inactivity, but not evident among those without any of these risk factors. Replacing animal protein of various origins with plant protein was associated with lower mortality. In particular, the HRs for all-cause mortality were 0.66 when 3% of energy from plant protein was substituted for an equivalent amount of protein from processed red meat, 0.88 from unprocessed red meat, and 0.81 from egg. The study suggests the importance of protein source. Source:

一项对美国卫生保健专业人员的前瞻性群组研究得出的结论是,高动物蛋白摄入与死亡率呈正相关,而高植物蛋白摄入与死亡率呈负相关,尤其对至少有1项危险生活方式者。用植物蛋白替代动物蛋白,尤其是加工的红肉,则与较低的死亡率有关。该研究包括131 342人,85 013名女性和46 329名男性(平均年龄49岁,随访25-32年)。中位蛋白质摄入量占能量的百分比为动物蛋白的14%和植物蛋白的4%。经校正主要生活方式和饮食危险因素后,动物蛋白摄入与较高的死亡率呈弱相关,特别是心血管死亡率(每增加10%的能量风险比为1.08),而植物蛋白则与较低的死亡率相关(每增加3%的能量风险比为0.90)。该相关仅限于至少有1项不健康的生活方式者, 如吸烟,酗酒,超重或肥胖, 以及缺乏身体活动,而对那些无任何此类危险因素者并不明显。用植物蛋白取代不同来源的动物蛋白,则与较低的死亡率有关。特别是,若以3%的植物蛋白能量取代等量加工红肉时全因死亡率的风险比为0.66,未经加工红肉为0.88,鸡蛋为0.81。该研究提示蛋白质来源的重要性。来源:





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