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Long-Term Aspirin Use Linked to Reduced Risk for Cancer长期服用阿司匹林与癌症风险降低有关

The analysis of 2 large US prospective cohort studies concluded that long-term aspirin use was associated with a reduced risk for gastrointestinal tract tumors. Among the 88 084 women and 47 881 men who underwent follow-up for as long as 32 years, 20 414 cancers among women and 7571 cancers among men were documented. Compared with nonregular use, regular aspirin use was associated with a lower risk for overall cancer, which was primarily owing to a lower incidence of gastrointestinal tract cancers, especially colorectal cancers. The benefit of aspirin on gastrointestinal tract cancers appeared evident with the use of at least 0.5 to 1.5 standard aspirin tablets per week; the minimum duration of regular use associated with a lower risk was 6 years. Among individuals older than 50 years, regular aspirin use could prevent 33 colorectal cancers per 100 000 person-years among those who had not undergone a lower endoscopy and 18 colorectal cancers per 100 000 person-years among those who had. Regular aspirin use may prevent a substantial proportion of colorectal cancers and complement the benefits of screening. Source:

对美国两项大型前瞻性群组研究的分析结论是,长期服用阿司匹林与胃肠道肿瘤的风险降低相关。对88 084名女性和47 881名男性随访长达32年,共20 414例女性和7571例男性癌症被记录在案。与非经常服用者相比,经常服用阿司匹林与整体癌症风险较低相关,主要是由于胃肠道癌症,特别是大肠癌的发生率较低。每周至少0.5至1.5标准片阿司匹林显示出对胃肠道癌的益处; 与较低风险相关的经常服用最少持续时间是6年。对50岁以上者,经常服用阿司匹林可以预防未经过内窥镜检者每十万人年中33例大肠癌,和那些经过内窥镜检者每十万人年中18例大肠癌。经常服用阿司匹林可预防相当一部分的大肠癌并可作为筛检的补充。来源:





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