Categories: 健康

High-protein Supplement Reduced Mortality in Malnourished Patients补充高蛋白降低营养不良患者死亡率

A US study found that compared with placebo a high-protein oral nutritional supplement (HP-HMB) containing beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate decreased mortality and improved indices of nutritional status in old, malnourished inpatients during a 90-day observation period. The study included older (≥65 years), malnourished adults hospitalized for congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. HP-HMB ( a specialized, nutrient-dense ready-to-drink liquid with 350 kcal, 20 g protein, 11 g fat, 44 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g calcium-HMB, 160 IU vitamin D and other essential micronutrients, n=328) or placebo (n=324) were provided 2 servings/day. HMB, which is an active metabolite of leucine, has been shown to regulate muscle protein metabolism with evidence supporting its safety and ability to prevent loss of lean body mass. 90-day mortality was significantly lower with HP-HMB relative to placebo (4.8% vs. 9.7%). The number-needed-to-treat to prevent 1 death was 20.3. Compared with placebo, HP-HMB resulted in improved odds of better nutritional status at day 90, and an increase in body weight at day 30. Results of previous studies on the efficacy of oral nutritional supplement were not consistent. Source:

美国一项研究发现,与安慰剂相比,含有β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸的高蛋白口服营养品降低了高龄营养不良住院患者在90天观察期间的死亡率,改善了营养状态。这项研究包括了因充血性心衰,急性心梗,肺炎,或慢性阻塞性肺疾病等住院的营养不良的老年(≥65岁)人。 每天提供两份营养品(特制,营养丰富的现成可饮用的液体,350千卡,20克蛋白,11克脂肪,44克碳水化合物,1.5克β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸钙,160国际单位的维生素D和其它必需的微量营养素,328人 )或安慰剂(324人)。 β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸,是亮氨酸的活性代谢物,已显示出调节肌肉蛋白质代谢,且有证据支持其安全性和防止去脂体重损失的能力。 含β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸的高蛋白口服营养品组90天死亡率显著低于安慰剂组(4.8%对9.7%)。防止1人死亡需要治疗的病人数量为20.3。与安慰剂相比,含β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸的高蛋白口服营养品导致了90天时营养状况改善,及30天时体重增加。对于口服营养补充品的功效,以往的研究结果并不一致。来源:





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