Categories: 心血管病

Multiplicative Benefits of Lower LDL and SBP降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和收缩压益处加倍

Long-term exposure to the combination of even modestly lower LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) has the potential to “dramatically reduce” a person’s lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. The study used genetic and cardiovascular risk factor data from 102,773 individuals who had participated in 14 prospective cohort or case-control studies. The participants were then divided into 4 groups based on genetic factors: the reference group, a group with an LDL-C genetic score below the median (resulting in lower LDL-C), a group with a SBP genetic score below the median (resulting in lower SBP), and a group with both LDL-C and SBP genetic scores below the median (resulting in both lower LDL-C and lower SBP). Compared to the reference group, subjects in the lower LDL-C group had 54.2% lower risk of the primary outcome (a composite of the first occurrence of either coronary death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or coronary revascularization.), those in the lower SBP group had 44.7% lower risk, and those in the combined lower LDL-C and SBP group had 86.1% lower risk. The new findings suggest that long-term exposure to the combined reduction of both 1 mmol/L in LDL-C and 10 mmHg SBP through lifestyle interventions and medication has the potential to “largely eliminate” the lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. Source:






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