Treat Anxiety and Depression as Habits将焦虑和抑郁作为习惯处理

Dr. Joe Luciani suggested to treat anxiety and depression as habits. Habits of anxiety and depression were fed with insecurity-driven crumbs of doubt, fear, and negativity. A genetic disposition is a tendency, a lower threshold of susceptibility to anxiety or depression. By coaching yourself to restructure your thoughts and perceptions, you begin to starve your habit(s). You do this any way you can: distractions, substituting rational for irrational thinking, or simply a firm act of will: “STOP it! DROP it!” A choice to take responsibility for scary, neurotic thinking and replace it with more rational, mature, reasonable thinking. You do this one thought at a time. Source:

Joe Luciani医生建议将焦虑和抑郁作为习惯加以处理。 焦虑和抑郁症的习惯是由不安导致的种种怀疑,恐惧和消极养成。 遗传倾向只是一种倾向,对焦虑或抑郁易感性的下限较低。 通过自我指导来重构你的想法和看法,开始纠正你的习惯。 可采用多种方式:分心,用理性来代替非理性思维,或者只是一个坚定的意志行为:“停止它!扔掉它!” 选择对可怕,神经质的思维负责,用更理性,成熟,合理的思维来代替它。 如此一个一个地处理那些想法。 来源:

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