Ways to Beat Stress消除压力的方法

Wake up early a few minutes. Create a soothing space with cooler, muted colors. Tidy up your home to tidy up your mind. Visualize your stressful thoughts like clouds. Look at something funny. Sing your heart out. Start a scrapbook. Pick up a physical hobby. Progressively (starting from forehead, and moving down) to first create muscle tension, then relaxation, to lead to a relaxed mind. Breathing fully and deeply into the abdomen to help the body to relax. Switch thinking to start mentally focusing on everything grateful. Feel your pressure points, like the Third Eye Point (the space between your eyebrows) for one to two minutes using gentle to firm pressure. Scent therapy. Source: http://www.health.com/

早醒几分钟。用冷静的颜色创建一个舒适的环境。 清理家来清理头脑。 把压力想像为云一样。 看看有趣的东西。 唱出你的心声。 开始一个剪贴簿。 启动一个活动身体的爱好。 逐步(从额头开始,向下移动)首先使肌肉紧张,然后放松,以导致头脑轻松。 充分深呼吸入腹部,以助身体放松。 切换思维开始集中精力关注一切感激之情。用温柔而坚定的压力感觉你的压力点,如第三个眼点(即双眉间)一到两分钟。 气味疗法。来源:http://www.health.com/

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