Soy Intake Linked to Lower Mortality大豆摄入量与死亡率降低相关

A study of an ethnically diverse cohort of women with breast cancer living in North America suggested that a higher dietary intake of isoflavone, the major phytoestrogen in soy, was associated with reduced all-cause mortality. The study included 6235 women with breast cancer. During a median follow-up of approximately 9.4 years, 1224 deaths were documented. A 21% decrease was observed in all-cause mortality for women who had the highest versus lowest quartile of dietary isoflavone intake [≥1.5 vs < 0.3 mg daily: hazard ratio (HR), 0.79]. Lower mortality associated with higher intake was limited to women who had tumors that were negative for hormone receptors (HR, 0.49) and those who did not receive hormone therapy for their breast cancer (HR, 0.68). Soy foods possess both antiestrogenic and estrogen-like properties. Source:

一项对北美多种族乳腺癌妇女的群组研究表明,膳食异黄酮(大豆中主要的植物雌激素)摄入量增加与全因死亡率降低有关。 该研究包括6235名乳腺癌妇女。 在大约9.4年的中位随访期间,证实了1224例死亡。膳食异黄酮摄入最高与最低四分位数的妇女的全因死亡率相比,降低了21%(每日≥1.5相对于<0.3毫克:风险比,0.79)。 与较高摄入量相关的较低死亡率限于激素受体阴性肿瘤(风险比,0.49)和未经激素治疗的乳腺癌(风险比,0.68)妇女。 大豆食品具有抗雌激素和类雌激素的特性。 来源:

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