Dietary Factors Linked to Cardiometabolic Deaths饮食因素与心脏代谢性死亡有关

A comparative risk assessment analysis suggested that dietary factors were associated with a substantial proportion of deaths from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes in the US. The national data included 8104 participants from 1999-2002, and 8516 participants from 2009-2012. In 2012, 702 308 cardiometabolic deaths occurred in US adults, including 506 100 from heart disease, 128 294 from stroke, and 67 914 from type 2 diabetes. Of these, an estimated 318 656 cardiometabolic deaths per year were associated with suboptimal intakes—48.6% of cardiometabolic deaths in men and 41.8% in women. The largest numbers of estimated diet-related cardiometabolic deaths were related to high sodium (66 508 deaths in 2012; 9.5% of all cardiometabolic deaths), low nuts/seeds (59 374; 8.5%), high processed meats (57 766; 8.2%), low seafood omega-3 fats (54 626; 7.8%), low vegetables (53 410; 7.6%), low fruits (52 547; 7.5%), and high sugar-sweetened beverages (51 694; 7.4%). Source:一项风险评估比较分析提示,饮食因素与美国相当大部分心脏病,中风和2型糖尿病的死亡相关。全国性资料包括了1999 – 2002年的8104名参与者,和2009 – 2012年的8516名参与者。 2012年,美国成年人出现了702308例心脏代谢性死亡,其中包括心脏病506100例,卒中128294例,2型糖尿病67914例。其中,估计每年318656例心脏代谢性死亡与不良饮食相关 – 占男性心脏代谢性死亡的48.6%和妇女的41.8%。估计与饮食相关的心脏代谢性死亡数最多的是高钠(2012年66508例死亡,占所有心脏代谢性死亡的9.5%),少坚果/种子类(59374例,8.5%),多加工肉类(57766例;8.2%),少海鲜ω-3脂肪(54626例; 7.8%),少蔬菜(53410例; 7.6%),少水果(52547例; 7.5%)和高糖甜饮料(51 694例; 7.4%)。来源:

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