A Frightening Projection惊人的预测

A comprehensive analysis projects what lies ahead in cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence and costs from the present through 2035 in the US. By 2035, nearly half of the U.S. population will have some form of CVD. At age 24, your risk for CVD is just 20 percent. By age 45, your chances more than double to 50 percent. Ninety percent of individuals over the age of 80 have some form of CVD. By 2035, across all conditions, total CVD costs will more than triple among those age 80+ and more than double among those age 65-79. The national CVD mortality rate declined between 2000 and 2011. However, there is a frightening reversal due to the obesity epidemic, poor diet, high blood pressure and a dramatic rise in type 2 diabetes. In 2015, the death rate from heart disease actually increased by 1 percent for the first time since 1969. CVD is largely preventable, those who follow a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise, a healthy diet and regular screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes can dramatically reduce their risk of developing CVD. Source: http://www.heart.org/

一项全面的分析预测了从现在到2035年美国心血管病的流行率和花费。到2035年,将近一半的美国人口会有某种形式的心血管病。在24岁时,您的心血管病风险只有20%。到45岁,你的机会增加了两倍以上到50%。 80岁以上者90%会有某种形式的心血管病。到2035年,总体而言,总的心血管病花费将在80岁以上的人群中超过三倍,在65-79岁者超过两倍。全美心血管病死亡率在2000年和2011年间曾下降。然而,由于肥胖流行,饮食不良,高血压和2型糖尿病的急剧上升,发生了可怕的逆转。在2015年,心脏病的死亡率实际上自1969年以来首次增加了1%。心血管病基本上是可预防的,那些遵循经常运动,健康的饮食和定期筛查血压,胆固醇和糖尿病等健康生活方式的人可以显著地降低发生心血管病的风险。来源:http://www.heart.org/

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