Light Activities Improved Glycemic Control and Insulin Sensitivity轻度活动改善血糖控制和胰岛素敏感性

A randomized crossover study showed that breaking sitting with standing and light-intensity walking effectively improved 24 h glucose levels and improved insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) to a greater extent than moderate to vigorous exercise. The study included 19 patients with T2D (13 men/6 women, 63 ± 9 years old) who were not using insulin, each followed three regimens under free-living conditions, lasting 4 days each: (1) Sitting: 14 h sitting/day; (2) Exercise: 1.1 h/day of sitting replaced by moderate- to vigorous-intensity cycling (at an intensity of 5.9 metabolic equivalents); and (3) Sit Less: 4.7 h/day of sitting replaced by 2.5 h standing and 2.2 h light-intensity walking. Meals were standardized during each intervention. The incremental AUC (iAUC) for 24 h glucose (mean ± SEM) was significantly lower during the Sit Less intervention than in Sitting (1263 ± 189 vs 1974 ± 324 min × mmol/l), and was similar between Sit Less and Exercise (Exercise: 1383 ± 194 min × mmol/l). Sit Less significantly reduced insulin resistance compared with Exercise as well as Sitting. The findings suggest that the duration of non-sitting activities may be more beneficial than the intensity of these activities. Source:

随机交叉研究显示,以间断站立或轻度步行代替坐着,在更大程度上比中度至剧烈运动更有效地改善2型糖尿病者24小时血糖水平和改善胰岛素敏感性。该研究包括19名未使用胰岛素的2型糖尿病患者(13名男性/ 6名女性,63±9岁),每人在自由生活条件下遵循三种方案,每次持续4天:(1)坐着:坐14小时/天; (2)锻炼:以1.1小时/天中 – 高强度自行车(强度为5.9代谢当量)代替坐着;和(3)少坐:以2.5小时站立和2.2小时轻度步行代替4.7小时/天的坐着。每次干预期间膳食均标准化。在少坐干预期间,24小时血糖(平均值±标准误)的增量AUC(iAUC)显着低于坐着(1263±189 与1974±324分×毫摩尔 / 升),而少坐与锻炼相当:(锻炼:1383±194分×毫摩尔 / 升)。少坐与锻炼或坐着相比,胰岛素抵抗显着减弱。研究结果提示,活动(非坐着)的持续时间可能比这些活动的强度更有益。来源:

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