Physical Activity and Anger or Emotional Upset May Trigger Heart Attack身体活动和愤怒或情绪问题可诱发心脏病发作

A case-control study of first acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 52 countries revealed that physical exertion and anger or emotional upset are triggers associated with first AMI. For the 12 461 cases of AMI included, 13.6% (n=1650) engaged in physical activity and 14.4% (n=1752) were angry or emotionally upset in the case period (1 hour before symptom onset). Physical activity and anger or emotional upset in the case period was associated with increased odds of AMI (odds ratio 2.31and 2.44, respectively) with a population-attributable risk of 7.7% and 8.5%, respectively. There was no effect modification by geographical region, prior cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular risk factor burden, cardiovascular prevention medications, or time of day or day of onset of AMI. Both physical activity and anger or emotional upset in the case period were associated with a further increase in the odds of AMI (odds ratio, 3.05). However, it is well known that regular exercise is beneficial to both stress relief and prevention of heart disease. Source:

一项对52个国家首次急性心梗的病例对照研究表明,身体活动和愤怒或情绪问题是首次急性心梗的相关诱因。所包括的12 461例急性心梗中,发病期间(症状发作前1小时)13.6%(1650例)从事身体活动,14.4%(1752例)有愤怒或情绪问题。发病期间的身体活动和愤怒或情绪问题与急性心梗的风险增加相关(风险比分别为2.31和2.44),相应的群体风险分别为7.7%和8.5%。且不受地区,先前心血管病,心血管危险因素多寡,心血管预防用药,或急性心梗的发作时间及日期的影响。发病期间身体活动和愤怒或情绪问题共同存在则急性心梗的风险进一步增加(风险比,3.05)。然而,众所周知,定期锻炼有利于减轻压力和预防心脏病。来源:

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