Thyroid Function Linked to Sudden Cardiac Death甲状腺功能与心性猝死有关

A population-based cohort study revealed that higher free thyroxine (FT4) levels are associated with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD), even in euthyroid participants. The study included 10 318 participants ≥45 years old with median follow-up of 9.1 years in Netherlands. The association of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and FT4 with the risk of SCD was explored by using an age- and sex-adjusted Cox proportional-hazards model in all participants and also after restricting the analysis to euthyroid participants (defined by TSH 0.4–4.0 mIU/L, considered the normal range of thyroid function). There were 261 incident SCD during the study. Higher levels of FT4 were associated with an increased SCD risk, even in the normal range of thyroid function (hazard ratio 2.28 per 1 ng/dL FT4). Stratification by age or sex and sensitivity analyses did not change the risk estimates substantially. The absolute 10-year risk of SCD increased in euthyroid participants from 1% to 4% with increasing FT4 levels. The association between thyroid dysfunction and cardiovascular disease is well established. Source:

一项基于人口的群组研究表明,高游离甲状腺素水平与心性猝死的风险增加相关,即使是对甲状腺功能正常的参与者。该研究纳入了荷兰45岁以上的10 318名参与者,中位随访9.1年。经校正年龄和性别,应用Cox比例风险模型对促甲状腺素和游离甲状腺素水平与心性猝死风险的相关性在所有参与者及甲状腺功能正常的参与者(促甲状腺素 0.4-4.0 毫单位 / 升为甲状腺功能正常范围)中加以分析。研究期间共发生261例心性猝死。 游离甲状腺素水平较高与心性猝死的风险增加相关,甚至在甲状腺功能正常范围内亦然(每1毫微克/升游离甲状腺素风险比2.28)。分别校正年龄,性别和敏感性分析并未显着改变风险估值。 随着游离甲状腺素水平的升高, 甲状腺功能正常的参与者心性猝死的10年绝对风险从1%增加至4%。甲状腺功能异常和心血管病之间的关系则是公认的。来源:

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