Physical Activity Linked to Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases身体活动与慢性病的风险较低有关

A dose-response meta-analysis concluded that a higher level of total physical activity is strongly associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke, with most health gains occurring at a total activity level of 3000-4000 metabolic equivalent (MET) minutes/week. The study included 174 articles of prospective cohort studies: 35 for breast cancer, 19 for colon cancer, 55 for diabetes, 43 for ischemic heart disease, and 26 for ischemic stroke. Some articles included multiple outcomes. Although higher levels of total physical activity were significantly associated with lower risk for all outcomes, major gains occurred at lower levels of activity (up to 3000-4000 MET minutes/week, about 90-120 minutes of moderate activities daily). The study suggests that total physical activity needs to be several times higher than the recommended minimum level of 600 MET minutes/week for larger reductions in the risk of these diseases. Source:

一项量效关系荟萃分析的结论是,较高的总体身体活动水平与较低的乳腺癌,结肠癌,糖尿病,缺血性心脏病和缺血性中风的风险呈强相关,绝大部分益处发生在3000-4000代谢当量分钟/周。该研究包括174篇前瞻性研究文献:乳腺癌35篇,结肠癌19篇,糖尿病55篇,缺血性心脏病43篇,缺血性中风26篇。有些文献包括多个病种。虽然较高的总体身体活动水平与所有预后风险较低均呈显著相关,主要益处发生在较低水平的活动(高达3000-4000代谢当量分钟/周,约每天90-120分钟的中等活动)。研究表明,总体力活动应比建议的最低600 代谢当量分钟/周高出数倍,以更大幅度降低这些疾病的风险。来源:

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