Salt Intake Linked to Cardiovascular Risk盐的摄入量与心血管风险相关

A pooled analysis of four large prospective studies revealed that compared with moderate sodium intake, high sodium intake is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and death in hypertensive populations (no association in normotensive population), while the association of low sodium intake with increased risk of cardiovascular events and death is observed in those with or without hypertension. Another prospective cohort study of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the US concluded that higher urinary sodium excretion was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In comparison to the U-shaped association in the pooled analysis, restricted cubic spline analyses of the association between sodium excretion and composite CVD provided no evidence of a nonlinear association and indicated a significant linear association. A positive association between sodium intake and blood pressure is well established. Blood pressure of patients with CKD is more sensitive to high sodium intake than persons with normal kidney function due to a diminished capacity to excrete sodium. Although mixed results have been reported on the nature of the association between dietary sodium and CVD, the data suggest that lowering sodium intake is targeted at populations with hypertension and CKD who consume high sodium diets. Source:;


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