High Blood Pressure in China高血压在中国

A prospective cohort study in China revealed that about one-third of Chinese adults had high blood pressure. The levels of diagnosis, treatment, and control were much lower than in Western populations, and were associated with significant excess mortality. The study was conducted from 2004 to 2008 among 205 167 men and 295 056 women with a mean follow-up of 7.2 years. Overall, 32.5% of participants had hypertension; the prevalence increased with age (from 12.6% at 35-39 years of age to 58.4% at 70-74 years of age) and varied substantially by region (range, 22.7%-40.7%). Of those with hypertension, 30.5% had received a diagnosis from a physician; of those with a diagnosis of hypertension, 46.4% were being treated; and of those treated, 29.6% had their hypertension controlled (ie, systolic BP在中国的一项前瞻性群组研究显示,中国成年人中大约三分之一有高血压。诊断,治疗和控制水平比西方人群要低得多,并与显著增高的死亡率有关。该研究是2004至2008年间在205 167名男性和295 056女性中进行,平均随访了7.2年。总体而言,参与者32.5%有高血压;患病率随着年龄的增长而增高(由35-39岁的12.6%至70-74岁的58.4%),且存在大幅区域差别(范围,22.7%-40.7%)。那些有高血压者,30.5%的人有来自医生的诊断;诊断为高血压者,46.4%正在接受治疗;经治者29.6%高血压得以控制(即收缩压<140毫米汞柱;舒张压<90毫米汞柱),导致总控制率仅为4.2%。即使是曾患心血管病的高血压患者,也只有13.0%高血压受到控制。未受控制的高血压大概占2010年35至79岁心血管病死亡人数的三分之一(约750 000人)。来源:http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/

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