Sea Food May be Neuroprotective海鲜可能有神经保护作用

A cross-sectional study in the US found that moderate seafood consumption was correlated with lesser Alzheimer disease neuropathology, although with higher brain levels of mercury. The study included 286 autopsied brains of 544 participants, brain mercury levels were positively correlated with the number of seafood meals consumed per week. In models adjusted for age, sex, education, and total energy intake, seafood consumption (≥ 1 meal[s]/week) was significantly correlated with less markers of Alzheimer disease pathology among apolipoprotein E (APOE ε4) carriers. Higher intake levels of α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3, the shorter-chain n-3 fatty acid found in plants) were correlated with lower odds of cerebral macroinfarctions. Higher brain concentrations of mercury were not significantly correlated with increased levels of brain neuropathology. A Mediterranean-style diet has been associated with better cognitive health and a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases including stroke. Source:

一个美国的横断面研究发现,适量食用海鲜与较少的阿尔茨海默病神经病理改变相关,虽然脑汞水平更高。该研究共包括544名参与者的286个大脑尸检,脑汞水平与每周食用海鲜餐数呈正相关。经调整年龄,性别,教育和总能量摄入,海鲜消费(≥1餐 /周)与载脂蛋白E(APOEε4)携带者中较少阿尔茨海默病的病理标记海鲜可能有神经保护作用:一个美国的横断面研究发现,适量食用海鲜与较少的阿尔茨海默病神经病理改变相关,虽然脑汞水平更高。该研究共包括544名参与者的286个大脑尸检,脑汞水平与每周食用海鲜餐数呈正相关。经调整年龄,性别,教育和总能量摄入,海鲜消费(≥1餐 /周)与载脂蛋白E(APOEε4)携带者中阿尔茨海默病的病理标记较少显著相关。 较高摄取水平的α亚麻酸(18:3 n- 3,在植物中发现的较短链n-3脂肪酸)与脑梗可能性较低相关。脑汞浓度较高与脑部的神经病理学水平升高并无显著相关。地中海式饮食亦与更好的认知功能和较低的心血管病,包括中风风险有关。来源:

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