Habitual Sugary Drink Linked to Long-Term Increase in Visceral Fat习惯性含糖饮料与内脏脂肪长期增加有关

A US study in the Framingham’s Third Generation cohort revealed that sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake was associated with increase in visceral adipose tissue (VAT). The quantity (volume, cm3) of abdominal adipose tissue was measured twice using computed tomography in 1,003 participants (mean age 45.3 years, 45.0% women) approximately 6 years apart. At baseline, SSB and diet soda intake were assessed using a valid food frequency questionnaire. After adjustment for multiple confounders including change in body weight, higher SSB intake was associated with greater change in VAT volume. VAT volume increased by 658 cm3, 649 cm3, 707 cm3, and 852 cm3 in the group of none to美国一项在弗雷明汉第三代人群的研究发现,含糖饮料摄入量与内脏脂肪组织增加有关。用计算机断层对1003名参与者(平均年龄45.3岁,45.0%为女性)腹部脂肪组织的量(体积,立方厘米)在大约6年间测量了两次。用有效的食物频率问卷对基线含糖饮料和减肥软饮料摄入量进行了评估。经调整多项混杂因素包括体重变化后,高含糖饮料摄入量与内脏脂肪组织体积较大的变化有关。零至<1份/月(非消费者),1份/月至<1份/周,1份/周至1份/天,和≥1份/天(天天饮用者),各组内脏脂肪组织体积分别增加658,649,707,和852立方厘米。该研究支持目前的饮食建议,限制含糖饮料消费可能有助于预防心脏代谢性疾病。来源:http://circ.ahajournals.org/

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