What Is Autism? 什么是自闭症?

There is a broad umbrella of what to be considered to be autism. Social communication and cognitive profiles are distinct even among members of the same single-gene causes of autism. Estimates of the genetic contribution to autism vary widely with idiopathic autism and the condition seen in genetic syndromes converging. Adding to the complexity in studying autism is the fact that its symptoms are evolving over time. There are studies aim to uncover a biological indicator of autism in addition to the behavioral assessments currently used. Source: http://www.medpagetoday.com/

所谓的自闭症包括的范围很广泛。社交沟通和认知功能表现即使在由相同的单基因原因所致自闭症成员之间仍有区别。对自闭症遗传因素的估计差异很大,且原发性自闭症和出现在遗传综合征中的自闭症呈融合趋势。使研究自闭症更为复杂的是其症状随时间 (年龄)在不断发展。除了目前使用的行为评估,还有研究旨在揭示自闭症的生物学指标。来源:http://www.medpagetoday.com/

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