Light Therapy Effective in Major Depression光疗对抑郁症有效

A Canadian study concluded that bright light treatment, both as monotherapy and in combination with fluoxetine, was efficacious and well tolerated in the treatment of adults with nonseasonal major depressive disorder (MDD). The 8-week double-blind study randomized a total of 122 patients (aged 19-60 years) with MDD of at least moderate severity (light monotherapy, 32; fluoxetine monotherapy, 31; combination therapy, 29; placebo, 30). Daily exposure to a fluorescent light box for 30 minutes as soon as possible after awakening and/or a daily 20 mg of fluoxetine hydrochloride were provided as active intervention. The mean (SD) changes in MADRS score for the 4 groups were 13.4 (7.5), 8.8 (9.9), 16.9 (9.2), and 6.5 (9.6), respectively. The combination and light monotherapy were significantly superior to placebo in the MADRS change score, but not fluoxetine monotherapy. For the respective placebo, fluoxetine, light, and combination groups at the end point, response was achieved by 10 (33.3%), 9 (29.0%), 16 (50.0%), and 22 (75.9%) and remission was achieved by 9 (30.0%), 6 (19.4%), 14 (43.8%), and 17 (58.6%). Combination therapy was superior to placebo in MADRS response and remission. All treatments were generally well tolerated, with few significant differences in treatment-emergent adverse events. Bright light therapy is an evidence-based treatment for seasonal depression. Source:

加拿大的一项研究得出的结论是明亮光疗,单一或结合氟西汀,对成人非季节性抑郁症有效且耐受性良好。该为期8周的双盲随机研究,共包括122例年龄19-60岁,至少中等程度的抑郁症患者(单一光疗32例; 氟西汀单药治疗31例; 联合治疗29例; 安慰剂30例)。干预措施包括每天醒后尽快暴露在荧光灯中30分钟和/或每日20毫克的盐酸氟西汀。上述4组MADRS评分的平均(标准差)值分别为13.4(7.5),8.8(9.9),16.9(9.2),和6.5(9.6)。联合治疗和单一光疗组MADRS评分的变化显著优于安慰剂组,而非氟西汀单药治疗组。研究结束时安慰剂,氟西汀,光,和联合治疗组分别有10(33.3%),9(29.0%),16(50.0%),和22(75.9%)例获得治疗反应; 9(30.0%),6(19.4%),14(43.8%),和17(58.6%)例得以缓解。联合治疗组MADRS反应和缓解率优于安慰剂。对所有治疗的耐受性良好,治疗后出现的不良事件很少显著差异。明亮光疗已是一种以证据为基础的治疗季节性抑郁症的手段。来源:

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