Soft Drinks Linked with Heart Failure软饮料与心衰有关

A large prospective Swedish study found that sweetened beverage consumption was associated with higher risk of heart failure (HF). The study included 42 400 men (45–79 years old) followed from 1998 through 2010 (mean follow-up time of 11.7 years). A total of 4113 HF events were identified. There was a positive association between sweetened beverage consumption and risk of HF after adjustment for other risk factors. Men who consumed two or more servings of sweetened beverages per day had a statistically significant 23% higher risk of developing HF compared to men who were non-consumers. Previous studies have linked sweetened beverages with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Source:

瑞典一项大型的前瞻性研究发现,甜饮料的摄入量与更高的心衰风险有关。这项研究包括了42400名男性(45-79岁),从1998年随访至2010年(平均随访时间11.7年)。共有4113 例心衰事件。经调整其他危险因素后,甜饮料消费和心衰风险呈正相关。每天饮用两份或更多甜饮料的的男性与非消费者相比心衰风险统计上显著高出23%。先前的研究已发现甜饮料与肥胖,糖尿病,高血压,代谢综合征,冠心病和中风相关。来源:

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