Benefit of Moderate Drinking Extended to Type 2 Diabetes适量饮酒的好处扩展到2型糖尿病

A randomized, controlled trial in Israel suggests that initiating moderate wine intake among patients of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is apparently safe and modestly decreases cardiometabolic risk. Genetic interactions suggest that ethanol plays an important role in glucose metabolism, and red wine’s effects also involve nonalcoholic constituents. 224 patients of alcohol-abstaining adults with well-controlled T2D were randomly assigned to 150 mL of mineral water, white wine, or red wine with dinner for 2 years, and were told to follow a Mediterranean diet without caloric restriction. Compared to water, red wine significantly increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) level by 0.05 mmol/L (2.0 mg/dL) and apolipoprotein(a)1 level by 0.03 g/L and decreased the total cholesterol–HDL-C ratio by 0.27. Only slow ethanol metabolizers (alcohol dehydrogenase alleles [ADH1B1] carriers) significantly benefited from the effect of the wines on glycemic control compared with fast ethanol metabolizers (persons homozygous for ADH1B2). A previous meta-analysis concluded that light to moderate alcohol consumption (1–2 drinks a day) was associated with a reduced risk of multiple cardiovascular outcomes. Source:;

一项以色列的随机对照试验表明,2型糖尿病患者开始适量饮酒显然是安全的,且适度降低心脏代谢风险。遗传相互作用提示,乙醇在糖代谢中起重要作用,而红葡萄酒的作用也涉及非酒精成分。 224例戒酒且2型糖尿病得以良好控制的成年患者随机分配晚餐佐以150毫升的矿泉水,白葡萄酒,或红葡萄酒2年,并且被告知要遵循地中海饮食而不限制热量。与水相比,红葡萄酒显著增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度0.05毫摩尔/升(2.0毫克/分升)和载脂蛋白(a)1浓度0.03克/升,且降低总胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白胆固醇比值0.27。与快速乙醇代谢者相比(纯合子ADH1B * 2),只有乙醇代谢慢者(酒精脱氢酶等位基因[ADH1B * 1]携带者),显著得益于葡萄酒对血糖控制的效果。先前的荟萃分析得出的结论是轻中度饮酒(每天1-2份)与多种心血管预后的风险降低有关。来源:;

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