Lower Goal of Blood Pressure Can Be Beneficial更低的血压目标可能有益

A landmark clinical trial provided evidence that treating blood pressure to a lower goal in older or high-risk patients can be beneficial. The trial began in 2009, included a diverse group of more than 9,300 participants age 50 and older but excluded patients with diabetes, prior stroke, or polycystic kidney disease. Between 2010 and 2013, the participants were randomly divided into two groups to achieve a target systolic pressure of 140 (standard) or 120 (intensive treatment) mm Hg. The intensive treatment reduced rates of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and heart failure, as well as stroke, by almost a third and the risk of death by almost a quarter, as compared to the standard group. Rates of serious adverse events of hypotension, syncope, electrolyte abnormalities, and acute kidney injury or failure, but not of injurious falls, were higher in the intensive-treatment group than in the standard-treatment group. Source: http://www.nih.gov/news/health/sep2015/nhlbi-11.htm;http://www.nejm.org/

一个里程碑式的临床试验提供的证据表明,降压至一个较低的目标对年纪较大或高风险的患者可能有益。该试验始于2009年,包括了9300个年龄50岁以上,多元化的参加者,但不包括糖尿病,有卒中史或多囊肾患者。 2010年至2013年间,参与者被随机分为两组以达到140(标准)或120(强化治疗)毫米汞柱的目标收缩压。与标准组相比,强化治疗组心血管事件如心脏病发作和心衰,以及中风降低近三分之一,死亡风险降低几乎四分之一。强化治疗组低血压,晕厥,电解质紊乱和急性肾损伤或肾衰等严重不良事件,而非伤害性跌倒,比标准治疗组较高。来源:http://www.nih.gov/news/health/sep2015/nhlbi-11.htm;http://www.nejm.org/

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