Moderate Exercise Linked with Less Heart Failure适度运动与心衰较少有关

A Swedish population study suggests that both low levels and high levels of total physical activity, in comparison with moderate levels, could increase heart failure risk in men. Walking/bicycling at least 20 min per day was associated with the largest risk reduction of heart failure. The study followed 33,012 men (mean age 60 ± 9 years) from beginning of 1998 until the end of 2012. A total of 3,609 first events of heart failure was ascertained. A U-shaped association between total physical activity and heart failure risk was detected, with both extremely high (57 metabolic equivalent [MET] h/day) and extremely low (38 MET h/day) levels of total physical activity associated with an increased risk of heart failure. Walking/bicycling at least 20 min/day was associated with 21% lower risk of heart failure, corresponding to a median age at heart failure 8 months later for those who had actively walked or biked daily. There was a trend toward more recent active behavior being more related to heart failure protection than past physical activity levels. Source:一项瑞典的群体研究表明,无论低水平和高水平的总身体活动,与中等水平相比,均可能会增加男性心衰的风险。每天步行/骑车至少20分钟,与最大的心衰风险降低相关。该研究从1998年年初至2012年底追踪了33012人(平均年龄60±9岁)。共确定3609例首次心衰事件。发现总身体活动与心衰风险之间呈U形相关,极高(57代谢当量小时/天)和极低(38 代谢当量小时/天)总身体活动均与心衰风险增加有关。步行/骑车至少20分钟/天,与心衰风险降低21%相关,相当于每天步行/骑车者心衰中位年龄推迟8个月。有近期活动比以往身体活动水平对心衰保护作用更加相关的趋势。来源:

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