Cutting Dietary Fat Reduces Body Fat More than Cutting Carbs削减膳食脂肪减肥优于削减碳水化合物

A strictly controlled diet study found that calorie for calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity, at least in the short term. Reduced-carb diet was particularly effective at lowering insulin secretion and increasing fat burning, resulting in significant body fat loss. Fat-restricted diet resulted in a greater imbalance between the fat eaten and fat burned and led to body fat loss at a rate 68 percent higher than cutting the same number of carbohydrate calories. Another national population-based observational study revealed that the dietary pattern characteristic of the southern US (characterized by added fats, fried food, eggs, organ and processed meats, and sugar-sweetened beverages) was associated with greater hazard of acute coronary heart diseases. Source:;一项严格控制饮食的研究发现,相同的卡路里,对肥胖者限制膳食脂肪比限制碳水化合物会导致减肥更显著,至少在短期内如此。减少碳水化合物的饮食在降低胰岛素分泌,增加脂肪消耗,导致显著减肥方面特别有效。限制脂肪比限制碳水化合物饮食导致脂肪摄入与消耗之间更大的不平衡,使减肥速率增加68%。另一项以全国人口为基础的观察性研究显示,美国南部的膳食结构特征(特点是添加脂肪,油炸食品,鸡蛋,动物内脏和加工肉类及含糖饮料)与急性冠心病的风险升高有关。来源:;

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