Combined Diet and Physical Activity Promotion Programs for Prevention of Diabetes Recommended结合饮食和身体活动推广方案以预防糖尿病的建议

Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends combined diet and physical activity promotion programs for persons at increased risk for type 2 diabetes on the basis of strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing new-onset diabetes. Combined diet and physical activity promotion programs also increase the likelihood of reversion to normoglycemia and improve diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk factors (weight, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and lipid levels). These programs are effective across a range of counseling intensities, settings, and implementers. Programs commonly include a weight-loss goal, individual or group sessions (or both) about diet and exercise, meetings with a trained diet or exercise counselor (or both), and individually tailored diet or exercise plans (or both). Higher-intensity programs lead to greater weight loss and reduction in new-onset diabetes. Economic evidence indicates that such programs aimed at preventing type 2 diabetes among persons at increased risk are cost-effective. Source:鉴于其有效地降低新发糖尿病的有力证据,社区预防工作组建议2型糖尿病高危者结合饮食和身体活动的推广方案。结合饮食和身体活动的推广方案也增加了逆转为正常血糖,改善糖尿病和心血管病的危险因素(体重,血糖,血压和血脂水平)的可能性。这些方案通过一系列的辅导强度,设置和实施者均有效。方案通常包括一个减肥目标,个人或团体(或两者)关于饮食和锻炼的会议,与受过训练的饮食或运动辅导员(或两者)的会议,和个体化饮食或运动(或两者)计划。较高强度的方案导致更大幅度的减重和降低新发糖尿病。经济方面的证据表明,这些方案旨在高危者中预防2型糖尿病具有成本效益。来源:

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