Nuts Lower Mortality坚果降低死亡率

A cohort study and meta-analysis in Netherlands concluded that nut intake was related to lower overall and cause-specific mortality, with evidence for nonlinear dose-response relationships, but not peanut butter. The cohort study included 120 852 men and women aged 55–69 years provided information on dietary and lifestyle habits in 1986, with mortality follow-up until 1996. Total nut intake was related to lower overall and cause-specific mortality (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurodegenerative diseases, and other causes) in men and women. When comparing those consuming 0.1−<5, 5−<10 and 10+ g nuts/day with non-consumers, multivariable hazard ratios for total mortality were 0.88, 0.74 and 0.77, respectively. Cause-specific hazard ratios comparing 10+ vs 0 g/day varied from 0.56 for neurodegenerative to 0.83 for cardiovascular disease mortality. Restricted cubic splines showed nonlinear dose-response relationships with mortality. Peanuts and tree nuts were inversely related to mortality, whereas peanut butter was not. In meta-analyses, summary hazard ratios for highest vs lowest nut consumption were 0.85 for cancer, and 0.71 for respiratory mortality. Another systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that nut consumption may play a role in reducing cancer risk. Source:;一项荷兰的群组研究和荟萃分析得出结论,坚果摄入与总体和病因特异性死亡率较低有关,证据显示为非线性量 – 效关系,而花生酱则不然。该群组研究包括120 852男性和女性,年龄55-69岁,并提供了1986年的饮食和生活习惯资料,死亡率随访至1996年。总坚果摄入与男性和女性总体和特定病因死亡率较低有关(癌症,糖尿病,心血管,呼吸,神经退行性疾病,和其它原因)。与非消费者比较,消费0.1- <5,5 <10和10+克坚果/天者,总死亡率多元风险比值分别为0.88,0.74和0.77;消费10+克坚果/天者特定病因死亡率风险比值则从神经退行性病的0.56到心血管病的0.83不等。限制三次样条显示与死亡率呈非线性量 – 效关系。花生和坚果与死亡率呈负相关,而非花生酱。经荟萃分析,食用坚果量最高者与最低者的汇总死亡风险比值分别为癌症0.85和呼吸性疾病0.71。另一个系统性综述和荟萃分析的结论是食用坚果可降低癌症风险。来源:;

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