Statins or Fibrates Cut Stroke in Seniors他汀类药物或贝特类药物降低老年人中风

A prospective population based cohort study in France concluded that use of statins or fibrates was associated with a 30% decrease in the incidence of stroke in seniors. The study included 7484 men and women (63%) with mean age 73.9 years and no known history of vascular events at entry in 1999-2000. Mean follow-up was 9.1 years. Lipid lowering drug users were at decreased risk of stroke compared with non-users; hazard ratios for stroke were similar for statin and fibrate. However, no association was found between lipid lowering drug use and coronary heart disease. Analyses stratified by age, sex, body mass index, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride concentrations, and propensity score did not show any effect modification by these variables, either for stroke or for coronary heart disease. Seniors account for significant numbers of morbidity and mortality from coronary heart disease and stroke, but are underrepresented in most randomized controlled trials testing cardiovascular drugs. Source:法国一项前瞻性群体研究得出的结论是他汀类或贝特类药物与老年人中风发病率减少30%有关。这项研究包括7484男性和女性(63%),平均年龄73.9岁,在1999-2000年加入时无已知的血管事件史。平均随访时间为9.1年。降脂药物使用者与非使用者相比中风风险下降;使用他汀类和贝特类者中风风险比值相似。然而,没有发现降脂药物的使用和冠心病相关。分别按年龄,性别,身体质量指数,高血压,收缩压,甘油三酯浓度,以及倾向值进行分析对结果没有影响,无论是对中风或冠心病。老年人占冠心病和中风发病率和死亡率的相当大一部分,但在大多数测试心血管药物的随机对照试验中比例很小。来源:

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