A Scientific Statement of Congenital Heart Disease in the Older Adult关于年长成人先天性心脏病的科学报告

There is a scientific statement focused on the older adult (>40 years old) with congenital heart disease (CHD) from the American Heart Association. The statement addressed the natural history, epidemiology, diagnoses, complications, diagnostic testing, and intervention of CHD in the older adult. The statement also addressed risk factor control of heightened importance given the elevated risk of heart failure, valve dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, and arrhythmias in this population as well as acquired diseases, sexual dysfunction and some practical issues. Most recommendations are based on expert consensus opinion and some are based on an evidence-based assessment of data. Source: http://circ.ahajournals.org/美国心脏协会的一个科学报告重点在于患有先天性心脏病(先心)的年长成人(>40岁)。该报告涉及年长成人先心的自然病程,流行病学,诊断,并发症,诊断性检测和干预。鉴于该人群中心衰,瓣膜功能不全,肺动脉高压和心律失常的风险升高,报告还讨论了控制重要的危险因素,以及获得性疾病,性功能障碍和一些实际问题。大多数建议是基于专家共识,有些是基于对数据的循证评估。来源:http://circ.ahajournals.org/

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