Whole Grains Lower Mortality全谷类食品降低死亡率

Higher whole grain consumption is associated with lower total and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, independent of other dietary and lifestyle factors, 2 large prospective cohort studies in the US concluded. The studies included 74 341 women (1984–2010) and 43 744 men (1986–2010). All participants were free of CVD and cancer at baseline and quintiles of whole grain consumption was updated every 2 or 4 years by using validated food frequency questionnaires. There were 26 920 deaths documented during 2 727 006 person-years of follow-up. After multivariate adjustment for potential confounders, including age, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, and modified Alternate Healthy Eating Index score, higher whole grain intake was associated with lower total and CVD mortality but not cancer mortality. Every serving (28 g/d) of whole grain consumption was associated with a 5% lower total mortality or a 9% lower CVD mortality, whereas the same intake level was not significantly associated with lower cancer mortality. Similar inverse associations were observed between bran intake and CVD mortality, whereas germ intake was not associated with CVD mortality after adjustment for bran intake. Whole grain consumption has been consistently found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases as well as colorectal cancer. Source: http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/美国两个大型的前瞻性群组研究的结论是,较高的全谷类食品的消费与较低的总体和心血管病(CVD)死亡率相关,独立于其他饮食和生活方式因素。该研究包括了74341名妇女(1984-2010年)和43744名男子(1986-2010年)。所有参与者加入时无CVD和癌症。通过使用确认的食品频率问卷每隔2或4年更新一次全谷物消耗的五分位类别。在2727006人年的随访中证实有26920人死亡。经多元校正潜在的混杂因素,包括年龄,吸烟,体重指数,体力活动,以及修改的替代健康饮食指数评分后,较高的全谷类摄入量与较低的总体和CVD死亡率有关,而非癌症死亡率。每份全谷类消费(28克/天)可降低5%的总死亡率或9%的CVD死亡率,而相同的摄入量并未显著降低癌症死亡率。麸皮摄入量和CVD死亡率之间也观察到类似的负相关,而胚芽摄入量与CVD死亡率经调整麸皮摄入后没有关联。全谷类消费一直被发现可以减少罹患2型糖尿病,CVD,以及结肠直肠癌的风险。来源:http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/

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