AHA/ASA Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of StrokeAHA/ASA关于中风一级预防的指南

New AHA/ASA guidelines on stroke prevention update those from 2011 and include more than 30 new recommendations on topics ranging from diet, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, other cardiac conditions, migraine, and the use of antiplatelet therapies and aspirin. The new guidelines add the Mediterranean-style diet to the DASH-style diet, a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables as well as reduced intake of sodium and increased intake of potassium to lower blood pressure and stroke risk, and recommend supplementing these diets with nuts. More than 76% of strokes are first events. 10 potentially modifiable risk factors explain 90% of stroke risk. Hypertension remains the most important, well-documented modifiable risk factor for stroke. The guidelines for the first time call for self-measured blood pressure monitoring for hypertensive patients to improve blood pressure control. Source: http://stroke.ahajournals.org/美国心脏协会/美国中风协会关于中风预防的新指南更新了自2011年以来30多个新的建议,主题包括饮食,高血压,房颤,其他心脏病,偏头痛 以及抗血小板治疗和阿司匹林的应用。除了推荐DASH式饮食,饮食中富含水果和蔬菜,以及减少钠的摄入,增加钾的摄入量以降低血压和中风的风险,新指南还推荐地中海式饮食,并建议在这些饮食中补充坚果。76%以上的中风都是首发。 十个潜在可改变的危险因素可以解释90%的中风风险。高血压仍然是最重要的,经充分证明可改变的中风危险因素。该指南首次呼吁高血压患者自我测量的血压监测,以改善血压控制。来源:http://stroke.ahajournals.org/

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