Lifestyle Medicine生活方式医学

Comprehensive lifestyle changes are good medicine, Dr. Dean Ornish argued after reviewing a series of randomized, controlled trials and demonstration projects. These lifestyle changes include: A whole foods, plant-based diet (naturally low in fat and sugar); stress management techniques (including yoga and meditation); moderate exercise (such as walking); social support and community (love and intimacy). They can reverse the progression of coronary heart disease and lower overall risk of developing other chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes and stroke. These comprehensive lifestyle changes may beneficially change gene expression in many genes quickly. Source:迪恩欧尼斯医生回顾了一系列的随机对照试验和示范项目后指出,全面的生活方式改变是剂良药。这些生活方式的改变包括:全麦食品,植物性饮食(天然的低脂和低糖); 压力管理技巧(包括瑜伽和冥想);适度的运动(如散步); 社区 和社会支持(爱和亲密)。它们可以逆转冠心病的发展和降低发生慢性病,包括癌症,糖尿病和中风的总体风险。这些全面的生活方式改变有益于迅速改变许多基因的基因表达。来源:

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