Excercise Valuable to Reduce Risks from High Serum Uric Acid锻炼对降低高尿酸血症所致风险很有价值

Exercise can extend life span by 4–6 years, a level greater than the 1–4 years of life-shortening effect from high serum uric acid (sUA), a study concluded with 467 976 adults successively recruited between 1996 and 2008 (median follow-up 8.5 years) in Taiwan. Fully active was defined as those with 30 min of leisure time physical activity per day for at least 5 days a week. 12 variables were controlled, including medical history, life style and risk factors. High sUA was defined as uric acid above 7.0 mg/dL. Their all-cause mortality was significantly increased. Those who exercised minimally, like 15 minutes a day instead of 30 minutes, in brisk walking instead of jogging, also had reduced nearly all mortality increases from high serum uric acid. High sUA associated with increased mortality is a global phenomenon; up to one-third of individuals have levels of uric acid above 7 mg/dL in some Asian populations, as do one-quarter of Americans. Source: http://ard.bmj.com/1996至2008年间在台湾进行的一项包括467976名成人的研究(平均随访8年半)结论是高尿酸血症者可以通过锻炼延长寿命4-6年,大于高尿酸血症缩短寿命1-4年的影响。充分活动被定义为那些每天闲暇时间体力活动30分钟,一个星期至少5天。 对包括病史,生活方式和风险因素等12个变量进行了校正。高尿酸血症被定义为尿酸高于7.0毫克/分升。其全因死亡率显著增高。那些只进行低程度锻炼,如每天15分钟,而不是30分钟,以快走的方式而非慢跑,也降低了几乎所有的高尿酸血症导致的死亡率上升。与死亡率增高有关的高尿酸血症是全球性的; 在某些亚洲人口中多达三分之一的患者血尿酸高于7毫克/分升的水平,美国人口中则多达四分之一。来源:http://ard.bmj.com/

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