Daily Strenuous Physical Activity and Mortality每日剧烈运动和死亡率

A prospective cohort of 1038 subjects with stable coronary heart disease in Germany found evidence of increased cardiovascular mortality in patients with daily strenuous physical activity. The frequency of strenuous leisure time physical activity was assessed repeatedly over 10 years of follow-up. Multiple Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to assess the association of physical activity level with different outcomes of prognosis. The highest hazards were consistently found in the least active patient group. When taking time-dependence of physical activity into account, data indicated reverse J-shaped associations of physical activity level with cardiovascular mortality, with the most frequently active patients engaging in strenuous physical activity on a daily basis also having increased mortality in comparison to the reference group of patients who were moderately active (exercised two- to four-times per week). Source: http://heart.bmj.com/德国一项包括1038例稳定型冠心病患者的前瞻性群组研究发现,每日剧烈运动增加心血管病死亡率。对剧烈的休闲时间体能活动的频率经超过10年的随访反复评估。多元Cox比例风险回归模型评估体能活动量与不同预后的关系。活动最少的患者一贯危害最大。当考虑体能活动的时间相关性时,数据显示体能活动量与心血管死亡率呈逆J字形相关,与中度活动的患者(每周两到四次)相比, 最常进行每天剧烈体能活动的患者死亡率也增高 。 来源: http://heart.bmj.com/

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