Prehypertension Associated with Stroke Risk高血压前期有脑卒中风险

A meta-analysis of 762,393 participants from 19 prospective cohort studies revealed that prehypertension is associated with risk of stroke, even blood pressure in the low-range prehypertension (120-129/80-84 mm Hg), compared with optimal blood pressure (<120/80 mm Hg). The risk was greater for high-range prehypertension (130–139/85–89 mm Hg). The authors recommend lifestyle interventions as the primary treatment for those with pre-hypertension since the general consensus is that systolic blood pressures should be lowered to less than 140 mm Hg in patients with hypertension.一项包括19个前瞻性群体研究共762393人的荟萃分析透露,与最佳的血压水平相比(<120/80毫米汞柱),高血压前期有脑卒中风险,即使在低水平高血压前期(120-129/80-84毫米汞柱)。高水平高血压前期(130-139/85-89毫米汞柱)风险更大。作者建议生活方式干预作为高血压前期的主要治疗方法,因为一般认为高血压病患者的收缩压应降低至140毫米汞柱以下。

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