Anger Triggers Acute Cardiovascular Events愤怒触发急性心血管病

A systematic review of nine case-crossover studies of individuals that experienced cardiovascular events showed that there is a higher risk of myocardial infartion, acute coronary syndrome, ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke, and arrhythmia in the 2 hours following outbursts of anger, with differences between the studies resulting in different magnitudes of the association. Despite the differences between the studies, there was consistent evidence of a higher risk of cardiovascular events immediately following outbursts of anger. With increasing frequency of anger episodes, these transient effects may accumulate, leading to a larger clinical impact. The magnitude of increased risks were higher for individuals who had a greater cardiovascular risk initially. Behavioral interventions to train those at risk to reduce angry outbursts and/or the accompanying physiological arousal could be an effective means of reducing the health damage associated with angry outbursts.对九个心血管病病例交叉研究的系统综述表明,随着愤怒爆发之后2小时,心肌梗塞,急性冠脉综合征,缺血性和出血性中风以及心律失常的风险较高,各研究之间的差异导致关联程度不同。尽管这些研究​​之间有差异,紧随愤怒爆发之后心血管病的风险较高的证据是一致的。随着愤怒发作频率的增高,这些短暂的影响可能会累积,从而导致更大的临床意义。初始心血管病风险较大者则风险增加的程度更高。培训那些有风险者的行为干预措施以减少愤怒的爆发及其伴随的生理反应,可能是减少与愤怒爆发相关的健康损害的有效手段。

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