Vegetarian Diets May Lower Blood Pressure素食可降压

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 7 controlled clinical trials (a total of 311 participants; mean age, 44.5 years) and 32 observational studies (a total of 21 604 participants; mean age, 46.6 years) concluded that consumption of vegetarian diets is associated with lower BP. Such diets could be a useful nonpharmacologic means for reducing BP. The associated BP reductions are similar to those observed with commonly recommended lifestyle modifications, such as those seen in DASH study, adoption of a low-sodium diet or a weight reduction of 5 kg (11 lbs), and are approximately half the magnitude of those observed with pharmaceutical therapy.一项系统性综述和汇总分析研究了7个有对照的临床试验(共311人;平均年龄44.5岁)和32个观察性研究(共21604人;平均年龄46.6岁)后认为,素食与较低的血压有关。素食可能是有效的非药物降压 手段。相关的降压幅度与通常建议的改变生活方式所致者相似,诸如DASH研究,低盐饮食或减重5公斤(11磅),而大约是药物治疗降压幅度的一半。

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