Harms of Screening for Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis Outweigh the Benefits筛检无症状颈动脉狭窄得不偿失

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concluded “with moderate certainty that the harms of screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis outweigh the benefits.” The conclusion is based on the low incidence of carotid artery stenosis in the general population, not being able to identify a high-risk population, the false-positives and the false-negatives of the screening test (duplex ultrasonography), the need to do additional testing, the lack of definite benefit from the interventions (endarterectomy or stenting), plus the risks of the interventions.美国预防医学工作小组(USPSTF)得出结论:“基本肯定筛检无症状颈动脉狭窄得不偿失。” 该结论是基于颈动脉狭窄在普通人群中的发生率较低,不能鉴别高危人群,筛检测试(双功能超声)的假阳性和假阴性,需要做进一步的检查,干预措施(动脉内膜切除术或支架置入术)缺乏明确的好处,再加上干预的风险。

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