Guidelines for Stroke Prevention in Women女性脑卒中预防指南

Guidelines provided summaries and gaps for stroke prevention focused
on the risk factors that are either unique to or more common
in women than men. Two of the noteworthy recommendations are for the prevention of pre-eclampsia with low-dose aspirin in women with chronic primary or secondary hypertension or previous pregnancy-related hypertension, and for calcium supplementation for women with a low dietary intake of the nutrient to prevent pre-eclampsia.指南重点集中在概括预防脑卒中时女性特有的或更常见于女性的危险因素和差距。值得一提的建议包括对慢性原发性或继发性高血压或曾有过与怀孕有关的高血压的女性应用小剂量阿斯匹林预防先兆子痫,以及对饮食中钙摄入不足的女性应补充钙以预防先兆子痫。

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